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ratings: 8 of 10
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movie info: On highways across America, a tribe of people called The True Knot travel in search of sustenance. They look harmless-mostly old, lots of polyester, and married to their RVs. But as Dan Torrance knows, and tween Abra Stone learns, The True Knot are quasi-immortal, living off the "steam" that children with the "shining" produce when they are slowly tortured to death. Haunted by the inhabitants of the Overlook Hotel where he spent one horrific childhood year, Dan has been drifting for decades, desperate to shed his father"s legacy of despair, alcoholism, and violence. Finally, he settles in a New Hampshire town, an AA community that sustains him, and a job at a nursing home where his remnant "shining" power provides the crucial final comfort to the dying. Aided by a prescient cat, he becomes "Doctor Sleep." Then Dan meets the evanescent Abra Stone, and it is her spectacular gift, the brightest shining ever seen, that reignites Dan"s own demons and summons him to a battle for Abra"s soul and survival
Star: Rebecca Ferguson
Duration: 2Hours 32 min

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Inside rose"s mind is like an old renaissance era so it implies that she"s really really old. How do you stop a monster? You release your demons. Joe turkel still kickin ass at 91. What a shocking scene fr. “Hello, there.”. Actor who portrayed Hanzee was great in Fargo and great In this. “ dont care heavily guarded, dont care into the sea, Kill or be killed, Head in a bag. 3:57 had me thinking it was really him, well done ????.

Was awesome. I truly enjoyed every moment. When Predator doesn"t know prey have parasite. Rose has just gotta hand it to Abra on this one. People who complained that Jack Nicolson didn"t return I understand, but remember, Jack is retired and from what I"ve heard hes suffering from a mild case of potential alzheimers. However while Henry does a good job, a CGi deepfake would be nice to see. They probably didn"t either out of respect for Jack or he asked for too much money to use his likeness which is ultimately his decision. Seeing this film especially this scene in IMAX was money worth spending! Criminally overlooked film. Finally watched this film last night. Very well done. Very respectful to the original. I will be adding this film to my collection.

3:13 At first I thought that guy was Jack Nicholson. sorry, I was just confused! ????. Wow! Can"t wait. The Shining was the first horror movie Id even seen. Snuck watching it in my parents basement at age 9; gave me the chills, but also a life long love for horror movies. Aging is scary too, Shelly Duvall could literally play the old lady in room 237. HELP ME IM DROWNING IN THE SEA OF COMMENTS REMEMBER ME REMEMER ME AHHHHHHH. Ewan McGregor reprises his Trainspotting role as Rent Boy the junkie just to sober up and do battle with soul-vaping RV dwellers. Then drives to Colorado to burn down the hotel made famous in the horror classic The Shining.

After the bloated dead baby on screen I was sick to my stomach. Then they graphically torture a little boy and I just couldn"t handle it. The Shining is one of my top 5 favorite movies so I was so excited. But this didn"t even feel like it was the same universe. I ended up leaving before the hour mark I was so sick. I just don"t find graphically torturing children entertaining.
Ewan McGregor does an excellent job bringing back Danny Torrance and it was satisfying to see him in control of his shining instead of controlled by by it (Tony. It"s always a challenge trying to follow up a classic film with a sequel, but Doctor Sleep does a fair job. I really enjoyed it, but I think it was more enjoyable for me due to nostalgia and longing for more after having seen The Shining just prior. See it on the big screen if you can- some of those scenes just aren"t the same on your television screen.
Dany to the Ghosts: Hello There.
The Director"s cut just came out and it makes the movie even better.

I didn"t read the book but I think most of the scenes where related whit the book. Very suspenseful and exciting! Well done. 1:55 The house address is 1980. The Shining Movie was released in 1980. Nice little nod there. No need to see the original, this stands alone without any help! Lots of life lessons in this movie - don"t even think of getting out of your seat. 1.31. I wouldn"t have picked him out as the same person in a million years.

Objectively - The greatest film based on a Stephen King novel. Isnt age cruel to us but mr Grady the butler hasnt aged at all. Looks the same. Maybe he really is a ghost. lol. Even in here Ewan Mcgregor becomes a Force Ghost (I know Alec Guiness was OT Kenobi but still. Am I the only one who felt that arctic chills down my spine when the Shining theme played? REDRUM.

Danny lil boy in the Shining big role didnt do any other acting after this like linda blair strange. Can"t get over this part and how the director capture it. 4:35 *shooting star effects. I thought it was hilarious when she landed on herself. This was a great movie. In my opinion I think they should have played really really quietly in the back round midnight the stars and you but I don"t know maybe it would distracted the people from listening to the conversation. 2:56 damn shame they didnt get Jack Nicholson approval to cgi his face onto HIS character.